Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rosie's and Lacy's first adventure (out front)

Here is the second part to "Rosie's and Lacy's first adventure outback". But, this time it is their first adventure out front. So here it is:

First they:
Had a truck ride, to the "playground".

And then they arrived at the "playground". Well actually it is just a big hole we dug in our dirt pile, but we call it the "chick playground". And then...

...They pecked at my feet! And then they left the "playground".

They also played on the "bridge" at the "playground".

And then they had lunch in the grass, but after awhile they went to...

...The mulch pile to find some worms! yum for them but yuck for us.

And then it was time to go home and sleep, so they had one last truck ride to go home.

Please comment and tell me what you think of my chicks!


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