Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some more about Rooster Cogburn ♥

A friend of mine asked if I could write a few more posts of Rooster Cogburn before we get rid of him. So here is a lot more about him: (I will tell the story, too)

The story:
On a sunny and hot day our neighbors called us saying "Ummm do you have any roosters?" my mom replies saying "Ummm no we don't, why?" neighbors: "Because there is a rooster down by the creek" then my mom said "My girls are going down right now to look for him." then hanged up. Then my mom realized that we have hens with big combs and she thought that they would not know a rooster from a hen so she tried calling them back to ask what color it was and they did not pick up. So we went looking out for him to see if we could find him, and we didn't, so we went back up to the house. Then about 50 minutes later they called back and they said "The rooster is a white color" my mom: "Oh, you might mistake the rooster for a hen, because our hens are white and have huge combs" neighbors: "No we are pretty sure it is a rooster" my mom "Ok, where is it now?" neighbors: "Over on my land" mom said: "Ok, my hubby is coming over to get it" then she hangs up again. Then my dad goes out to get it. When he comes back he has a white colorful chicken in his hands, and we find out that it is a rooster! And we tended to all of his cuts and stuff. We gave the honer of naming the rooster to our dad and he chose, Rooster Cogburn for his name. And we all liked it.

 So that is the story of how we got him  :)

About him:
Rooster Cogburn

Rooster Cogburn loves to live on the mini farm with us and I'm pretty sure he likes green :) That's why I made his name in green. I know he hates to be in small spaces so that is why he is out of his cage and in the biggest area we could find away from the hens. He is spoiled to much! He is adorable! Isn't he? His crow is very handsome! I love his crow because out of all the roosters we've had his crow is the only 'normal' one, if you know what I mean :) He LOVES the hen, Anna he fancy's her A LOT!  He is the only chicken that has no tail feathers! Poor guy!. At least his feathers are growing back!


  1. He is so cute! I'm glad that friend of yours asked for this post (that was me.) Because it was great! Thanks Flannery!

    Your friend,

  2. Great story, thanks for sharing. I like your blog:)

  3. Great story and nice blog, thanks for sharing :)

  4. I like the back story. Poor hubby, Rooster Cogburn must have been a handful to catch!~Ames

  5. He's so handsome--if you can call a rooster handsome. Thanks for sharing his story.

  6. Oh I love him! Probably not so much in the early morning...but from all the way over here, he is just fabulous and super handsome!

  7. What a great story! And a cute rooster! Well done!

  8. He is absolutely a handome fellow!

    Thanks for sharing more about him.


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