Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Country Saturday #3

Here is the 3rd blog hop. Sorry it came a little late again. I hope everybody will link up! Here are the rules again:

1. Grab my Blog Hop button

2. you will need to copy and paste you're blog URL.
3. then try to tell as many people as you can! Thanks! Hope you like it!

Please, please visit In Delena's Shoes, just click HERE


  1. Hello Flannery,
    You are doing a great job hosting this hop. I really enjoy reading your posts. You are a talented and creative young lady. You remind me a bit of myself when I was your age.

    Keep up the good work. I hope you and your family have a great weekend.

    Your blog friend,


  2. Hi Flannery, I just found you on Heidi's Blog and am so glad that I did...Very cute blog and I agree with her you are so talented.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts about my blog and posts! I appreciate it a lot!