Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Is Here!

Spring is here! Spring is here!! Yay! I love spring, just it is so hot. Oh, and here is a little "song" for all of you:
Spring is the time...

 ...For the trees to get their leafs.

 Spring is time...

   ...For the flowers to bloom.

 Spring is time...

 ...For the trees to get their flowers in.

Spring is time...

...For the bugs to come out.

Spring is time...

...For the animals and children to play! (I have no pictures of us playing so I did a picture of our really playful cat).

I hope everybody likes em'!

Linking to: Tuesday Greens, with Yolanda


  1. Love your pictures! We also have a black cat that likes to zoom around the house.

    1. Thank-you! That is cool that you have a black cat, too!

  2. Hello! I am so glad to have stumbled across your blog! I cannot believe you are just 10 years old! You write so very well. I can tell you right now I will be visiting this blog often. You are a very amazing person, with a very amazing talent. Keep it up beautiful, and keep smiling that pretty smile!

    Cassandra ♥

    P.S. Athena was right. You take great pictures!

  3. Thanks Flannery! I am so excited for you! You will love seeing your babies hatch. It is a miracle for sure!

    - Cassandra ♥

    P.S. Thanks so much for grabbing our button! I also grabbed yours, it is cute!

    1. Your very welcome! And you to for grabbing my button,and thanks for saying that! You are very kind!


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