Friday, April 13, 2012

Chapter 1 And Chapter 2:

Hey Everybody! I wanted to share another chapter of another book I am writing. Oh, and I will be posting another post of my horse book, if you have not seen the first chapter then click HERE to go and read it! Ok, so here is the 2nd chapter of the horse book witch I think I am going to call it "Sidera" for now.

Chapter 2:
My new friend

A few days passed and I am stronger and I can run.
“Today is special” mother said. “How?” I asked. “Because today you get to explore” she replied with a happy voice, “Explore?” I asked “Yes you get to play and meet other foals” she said . “Oh, I get to finally play with other foals!” I said with my voice so happy. Just then a *click, click* was herd. “People? Is it the people going to let us out to explore?” I asked with my ears perking up. “Yes, it is, darling” she said with joy. Then the door opened and the nice boy came in and put the thing on mother again. He walked her out of the barn while I followed. We walked until we came to a big fenced in field. There were other foals and horses there! Mother was right! I was so excited I jumped and I whinnied. When he opened the gate I ran though. And he let mother go with the other horses. I was having fun already I ran past the other foals I whinnied to, as the whinnied back to me. Mother stood there for a while watching me run and leap. Then she started to trot then canter then she ran to me. I was outrunning her easily. I finally came to a big hill, I went on the other side of it. It was so quiet, there. I looked around me, I could no longer see mother. So I started to explore the tall grass. I even tasted some. It tasted  weird. It didn’t taste like mother’s warm milk. I trotted into the tall grass some more. Something or someone was moving in the grass. “Hello?” I said, hoping for an answer. “Arrff!” I loud noise came back at me.
I started to walk towards it. There was only one of them. I didn’t know what or who they were. “Hi! Do ya wanna play with me?” it asked. It came up to me, and then it licked me. I stomped and took a few steps back. “Do you you wanna be my friend?” it asked. I stood there waiting for my reply. “Friend?” I said. “Do you?” it asked again. “Ok!” I finally replied. “What are you?” I asked “I’m a filly” I waited for it’s reply, “Oh, I’m a young dog, and my name is, Posie” it replied. “My name is, Siddera” I said. Just then mother came trotting down the hill. “Mother see my new friend?” I asked her with a happy voice. “Yes, darling. I do see” she replied, “We need to go with the other horses now” she said. “Ok” I said “Oh can you come with us?” I asked, Posie."Ok, I guess. Are there other ones of your kind there?" Posie asked waging her tail. "Yes there are" mother answered for me.

And here is the 1st chapter of my other book, The Four Treasure Hunters:

Chapter 1:
Sir. Baldwin
On a cool and sunny day, four girls are playing at their creek. They called the creek, Crayfish Creek, because the creek was filled with crayfish. “Moira! Come quick! I see a crayfish! Come on, come on, it's going to get away” The ten year old girl named, Flannery yelled to her sister on the other side of the creek. The four girls all loved to catch the crayfish and let them go after they did. But it was rare to catch crayfish, because the crayfish were fast and hard to catch. The twelve year old girl, Moira came with a bucket as fast as she could. “Were is it?” Moira asked. “It was right there” Flannery said, pointing in front of a small hole in the sand “Well it must have gone in the hole”. “Yeah, it must have” Moira said going to another part of the creek.
"Oh, Flannery! I see another one! Come quick with that bucket over there! I don't want to loose this one” Moira yelled out to, Flannery, as, Flannery ran at top speed over to her with the crayfish bucket, she handed the crayfish bucket to, Moira. “It's huge!! Ok, now becareful it might pinch you” Said, Flannery whispering in her ear. “I know that. Why do you think I am doing this with a bucket not my hands!” Moira said. “I was just...wait were is older sis and younger sis?” Flannery asked. “I think they went up to the house” Moira replied. “Ok, now what do we name him?” Flannery asked with a thinking pose. “How about...Arthur!” Moira suggested. “Arthur? What are you thinking? That is not a proper name at all! We need to name him something nice. Besides I hate the name, Arthur” Flannery said. “Ok, so what do you want to name him?” Moira asked. “ about...Sir. Baldwin! That's more proper then, Arthur” Flannery said “I like it so I'm gonna call him that”. “Ok then we will name him, Sir. Baldwin” Moira said. *Ding-a-ling-a-ding*!!!! their mother had called them in for lunch.
"COMING!!!!!!!!” both the girls called to their mother. And they went up to the house to eat.

Please comment and tell me what you think! 

Jenny Matlock              I am also Linking to the best of them all!!!  RANDOM!


  1. I love it! I like the first chapter, best, though.
    Will you post the third chapter? If you do, I will copy it at the library and read it all the time!


  2. Ok, then I guess I will be writing the third chapter :). Thanks!


  3. I really like this!! Please write another chapter if you haven't already. And the other one about the crayfish is also really good! I can't wait to find another chapter for both of them!!!

    From Pipi (not the goat. The girl who lives in Queensland Australia haha)


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