Friday, April 6, 2012

MY BOOK!!!!!!!

Here is the first chapter of my book!!!! Oh, and please comment to tell me what you think, please tell the truth it will not hurt my fillings if you say it's not good or something. And this book is through a horses eyes. I wrote a second chapter but it's not finished yet. And yes there are chickens in there! So here it is! And please comment and tell me what you think!

Chapter one:
I’ve Arrived.

I was all wet and slimy. I was hungry, too. My mother was licking me off. A few minutes passed and she dried me all off. Then I tried to stand but, my legs were so wobbly so I fell back down again. I tried a second time, this time my mother helped me get up by nudging my belly with her nose just enough so I could stand. I started to walk and then I walked some more. Then my tummy started to grumble. I was hungry so I so I started to nurse on my mom. She looked back at me and whinnied to me I tried to whinnie back to her but, my mouth was full of milk so the only noise I could make was a gurgling sound. Just then I herd my mother’s sweet voice saying to me “Siddera” it was random, but her voice was so calm and beautiful. “Siddera?” I asked. “Yes, my darling. Your name is, Siddera because it means, Stars.” she replied with the softest voice. “But, why do you want to name me, Stars?” I asked yet another question. “Because you have a star on your forelock and a star on your left hock” she replied. *Yawn*! I was tired and I wanted to sleep, so I lay down and closed my eyes. “Good night, my little one” Mother said with a very sweet voice. “Good night” I said it so quietly she could hardly hear me. The night past and the morning is here. A loud noise came from outside, “Cocka-doodle-doo!” it said, as all the other horses stood up. But, I didn’t get up, I stayed lay down. I was still tired so I closed my eyes but, just as I did “Cocka-doole-doo!” it went again. Finally I stood up, and looked around. Mother was behind me. *Grumble, grumble* my tummy went, I was hungry again.
“Momma, I am hungry again” I said to her. “Ok” she said with a gentle voice. So I nursed again and when I had my fill it was mother’s time to eat. “Momma” I called. “Yes darling” she said with a soft voice. “Do you get to have warm milk like me?” I asked. “No you silly. The people feed me.”
“What do the people feed you?”
“They feed me what they feed the other horses”
Then I finally stopped asking questions until, *clink*. “What was that mother?” I asked with a scared voice. “It is the people, so don’t worry” She said calmly. “Hey, Fairly…say what do you got there? It looks like you foaled in the night” a boy at about 12 years old said to mother. Mother stomped and snorted. “It’s ok, I won’t harm it girl” he said again. He started to go behind me and I herd him saying “Looks like you got yourself a filly”. Mother almost looked happy to have a filly, because all the other mares usually foaled colts. He put something on mother and walked out the door with mother following behind him. I stood there for a while and then I started to trot after her. When we got to the big barns exit he opened the door and I jumped out, when I touched the grass with my hoofs it I almost thought that we were still on straw, just the grass was not as ruff. I liked the new world already. Just then another older man called “Here horses! Come and get it!” and all the other horses ran to the big buckets. The boy who was holding mother let her go to eat.


Linking to: Farm Girl Friday


  1. Hi Faith!

    I have not got a chance to read your story yet, too busy right now, but I will read it later.

    About the link-up. I am still trying to work out everything so we actually have a link-up (with pictures and everything) right now on the Link your Blog post you just need to leave a comment with your link. Okay? I am sorry it doesn't look quite "professional" yet, but I am still working on getting there!

    Thanks for stopping by, and have fun with those baby chicks!

    Cassandra ♥

    1. That's ok :) And yes we are still having fun with our chicks :)

  2. Oh wow! Just got a chance to read this. Very, very well written. The detail was great! I always say that the best stories are the ones that pick you up and drag you right along with them. That is what this story did. Keep writing, I want to see Chapter 2!

    Cassandra ♥

    1. Ok, then I guess I will post chapter two! Thank-you so much! I didn't know I was that good. Ha, ha.

  3. I really like this!! I can't wait to read chapter two, which I'm going to once I finish writing this.

    From Pipi. (not the goat, the person who lives in Queensland Australia haha)


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