Monday, April 16, 2012

Snakes are rare and Toads are commen

I CAUGHT A SNAKE!!!!!!! Well, it's very small. It's about this
line>|                                                                                                                                                         | To this line<. My dad said that he is a King Rat Snake, so he will grow to be HUGE. Well, I mean he will grow to big that I can't show in lines on the screen :) Ha, ha. The last one we found was as long as my dad!!! Witch is six feet long!! So he will grow so big. We found the last one UNDER a chicken!!! The chicken was laying ON it!!! You would never guess that a chicken would lay ON the snake and protect it. So funny to see them do it. Ha, ha! And I found my snake under news paper! We were going to look for crickets under our garden news paper for Jed who is now ubsesed with bugs and other animals, and I found a snake and not a cricket! So I named it, Graywin. I know it's kinda weird.

 His head is pointing down towards these words.

 Here is a compare of my thumb next to him.

 Here he is caroled up on a stick. I love his color :) I am a snake girl, meaning I LOVE snakes and I want to pick them up no mater how big they are :)

 Here he is caroled on a stick even more.

And here I am holding him by his tail. I can't hold him near his head because he borrows in the dirt and the only place I can grab him is his tail.

Those for who have wild mice and want to get rid of them and you have chickens at the same time well...............Your chickens will eat them!!! And yes I'm NOT joking. They will eat mice, and it's so cool/funny to watch them do it. Don't be afraid of your chickens choking on them. They will swallow them with no problem. So that is one way to get rid of your wild mice :)

And for the toads:
We caught seven of them and, Jonah set one free. So we have six now. There is only one girl toad. I feel sorry for her.
We caught them all last night. We caught most of them in the woods, but we found a few in the yard.

 You can't see all of them, but that is because two of them borrowed under the water dish. Ha, ha! Saoirse thought that they had been squished and they died, but then I picked one up to show her that they did that on purpose because they like it. Ha, ha!

 Here is my little girl toad. She is so cute!

Here is my little toad I caught. And I don't have a name for him, yet.

And just for cuteness....
Stars says "Bawk!". This picture is linked to "Nest Fest Friday" with, Delena

Hope everybody enjoys these little critters!
                     GOD bless,

 Linking to:
Project Alicia


  1. Awesome post! So long! I love your snake! Yeah last night me and my sister Tayet went out on the road because it was warm and raining, and we caught 27 toads! The smallest one was Gloria. The same name that I'm going to use for the fish that I get when we finish my room! I will do a post about it when we get it! Thanks for linking up to my blog,


    1. And also, "Nest Fest Friday" is for pics of nests.

      -Delena ^_^

    2. Opps! Sorry! I thought you said that it only had to have just something about a chicken. Sorry!

    3. Replying to your first comment:
      Your welcome! And thanks! And WOW!!!!!!! 27?!?!?!?! I would be able to do that because there are SO MUCH toads and frogs around here that I could catch 50! Ha, ha! But I can't because they only come out at night time and we aren't aloud outside in the dark. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Looks like a critter kinda day! My kids would be in heaven. lol I'm not so sure about that snake though... I may make them release it. I remember one my son got and it stunk something awful. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ha, ha! Yeah, it was. And we did have to set him free. Thanks for commenting!


  3. Cool pics! You are so brave for picking them up with your hands. I'm a big baby. I would've screamed like a little girl! :)

    1. Ha, ha! I am in love with snakes. Just I can't pick up big snakes because my mom would start freaking out and screaming. Ha, ha! Thanks a lot for commenting!



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