Friday, May 25, 2012

Chick, Chick, Chick!!!!!!

ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the poor. poor, POOR, thing got abandoned. That mean old Lil' Miss Bawk Head pecked it and won't take it in!!! Even though she was the one that hatched it!!! We don't know the gender yet so we can't name it. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I like to call it Backie. Back - E . Yeah, Backie because it keeps falling back cause it just got out of the egg 30 minutes ago.

Here is the story of it:

Me and Robin are going out. Robin is milking and I'm playing with the baby goats. Robin gets done milking and goes to check on our other brooder, Lil' Miss Bawk Head. She hears chick peeping. Robin screams "ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". I come running at top speed into the chicken barn. Lilly starts coming outside. I scream "ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Lilly stands there for a few seconds. "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!" She starts running to the gate and climbs over it, and runs as fast as her little legs can go. Lilly bursts in the room "AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!". Me and Robin are petting and holding it. She pets it and we gave it back to the brooder. Brooder pecks the chick!!!! I put my hand in front of her head just before she trys to peck it again, while Robin got the chick away from her. I took the chick out of Robin's hands. I start to walk out the door. "maybe Scratch will take it in" I ran over to Scratch and her chick. Omelet likes the other chick. Scratch walks up and pecks it! I pick up the chick and say "Or maybe not". Lilly runs inside and tells my mom and my mom said we'll just have to take care of it ourselfs. 

And now...

 Backie under some shade.

 Backie's home. That is a cloth in the middle of the box. It's staying in our bedroom.

 Falling asleep.

 That cardboard is for shade.

The cutie was falling asleep in my hands!

Hope everyone likes Backie!


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  1. visiting through the link-up. chicks are sooooooooooooooooooo cute! backie is no exception!

  2. That is SUPER cute! I love the little munchkin!

    I would love to take care of it, but I live in Wisconsin. WAY far away from where you live!

  3. Very Cute bog!!! Terah from FarmChick


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