Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow day

Yay! It was so so so so fun!!! We went behind a school to some REALLY big hills and sled there! It was so so awesome!!! Taylor has some movies on her camera that will be shown in another post. We had to leave and we still REALLY wanted to go some more so...when we got home we tried it in the Middle area, Goat area, front yard, and a lot more places! That was really fun! To bad right now the snow is melting :( Noooooooooo!!! I do have some pictures of the snow that was remaining, though. I can't wait till next year's snow! I hope it snows some more!! 



So cute!



The goats food bowls got frozen :P

Here's a movie of Max in the snow

I will post the videos of us sledding in a sec!
Linking to: Farm Fun Friday



  1. So you are ten, right? You have awesome skills with a camera! What kind do you have?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank-you! It is a Canon Powershot A495, a cheap point and click. But I still have A LOT of fun with it!


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