Thursday, January 10, 2013

New kitten!

OMG!!!! He's so cute! I tried to get pictures of him but he wouldn't stay still! He's really sweat, playful and won't stop moving!  Ha ha! Well sense I have Vader and Taylor has Monster that leaves Robin with Max ;) Three down one to go ha ha!

These are the only pictures I could get of him staying still xD
This is his/our story of how we got him!
So Robin and Taylor were feeding the horses at our local barn. Robin was in the feed room getting feed for the horses and herd a muffled sound. She looked under a shelf to see...

Kittens! Three adorable, fluffy kittens! Two were females and one a male. So we were praying for a kitten for a while and well God answered! We didn't want to take a female home as we have two male cats already. 

 Vader accepted him but Monster on the other hand hates him. Vader I think is okay with him because he had to already deal with Monster.

 Isn't he cute!? He's really really playful!!! 

If you do think he is cute just comment ha! 



  1. Aww, he's so cute! Why'd y'all get another cat?


    1. He's a rescue and we were actually praying for a kitten. I am changing the post now so I can tell the story how we got him :)

  2. Aww, how adorable! Yeah, Billie STILL hasn't quite excepted Ronnie yet, she still hisses at her.



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