Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hey everybody! My sister, Robin, went to go feed our goats and chickens and on her way out she saw a a black thing curled up in front of Shiloh. She goes over to look at it and it turns out to be a snake!!! It was living under our dog house. Here is a picture of it:

It is a Rat Snake.

Our gardens are doing great! Our little tomatoes are coming in! There are seven. One is really tiny and the others are pretty big. My cat nip plant is doing great, too! And it's getting bigger.

 The tiny one is in the left bottom corner.

One is getting eaten.

We found two toads, one is really, really, really tiny (Lilly found) and the other one (I found) is pretty big. I found him under a rock. 

The big one and...

...The tiny, tiny, tiny one. It's only half the size of our finger nail. And I'm not kidding!

Here are some pics I took for fun:
 This is a truck my little brothers left outside.

Some thorns.

Thanks to all who visit, follow, grab my button, and comment!!!!


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