Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My FIRST givaway!

Hey readers,
I am having a giveaway for some homemade chicken feather earnings. They are not the best but they are pretty. I will be choosing the winner at random.com . This giveaway will stop on April 1st, and will start today! So please enter! Note: Please try to only post one comment.
Here are the rules to enter:
  1. comment on this post.
  2. if you have a blog then please post a post on you're blog about this giveaway.
  3. follow me.
  4. PLEASE NOTE: enter you're email address in you're comment so I can tell you if you won. If you do not, you will not be entered.
  5.  grab my button 
  6. Please tell as many people about this giveaway!

    These are them.

    Made with chicken feathers. We went feather hunting yesterday. And then put them together.

    Thanks for all who enter!

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Some updates

    1. We have a new record from eggs in 3 days...51 eggs!
    2. We think Lilly is pregnant!
    3. I have my own blog hop now.
    4. Honey, is ok now, she is over with having low blood sugar.
    5. Now, Red Beard is sick.
    6. Midnight has got her own blog now. A Goat's Life On A Farm
    7. Duke and Honey are filling better from being sick.
    8. My mom is sick
    9. Moira is getting her braces in sooner then we thought. She is getting then in, in march 1st!
    10. And for the last, we are keeping any baby girls that Honey or Lilly have!
    11. I am making a giveaway of my own! On feb 28th. So check back tomorrow!


    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    A Country Saturday #1

    I made my own and first blog hop! I hope every body can link up. Oh, and you can link up you're blog post about anything. Here are the rules:
    1. you need to grab my button and put it on you're blog.
    2. you will need to copy and paste you're blog URL.
    3. then try to tell as many people as you can! Thanks! Hope you like it! ~Flannery

    Saturday, February 18, 2012

    Red Beard...

    Our new goat! He is so cute! He is a 4 year old Nigerien dwarf goat and he is a red, golden, color and he is going to be bred with, Midnight and Twilight in march. I have some pictures I took of him, oh and, Duke, does NOT like him. They where fighting. And his nickname is Buddy. His name used to be Freckles but we renamed him to Red Beard. Pipi finally has someone to beat up on. Or you can go to the post that is called "About our animals" an d see what he likes and dislikes.

    That's all for now,

    Thursday, February 16, 2012


    ...has low blood sugar. At first we thought she was in labor. Witch would be really bad! She would go in labor to soon, but good thing she isn't! The only bad thing is is that she's got one baby! That must be one BIG baby! There is a picture of her belly down below. Thank God that she is ok!


    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    Sickness :(

    You probably guessed, yes we are sick. Poor Moira is really sick. I hope everyone has a good Valentine Day! Can you guess who my "valentine" is? He's cute, he's sweet, he's got black hair, he's my "valentine"! Can you guess who my "valentine" is? Yes its Darth Vader. I have the perfect picture of him.

    Isn't he just so cute? That's my "valentine".


    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Way too, busy

    We are very, very busy. My dad was in Pennsylvania as he was buying a new a Volvo Wagon. It is very nice. Oh, and we (me, Moira, Isabella, and Saoirse) are on a no "poo diet". Its a "diet" for you're hair. And Lilly and Honey are pregnant. I can't wait till they have their babies! We got a new fan, too. it is all white. Fade has been lost for little while as we can not find him and he won't come when I call. As he usually does. We are getting new chicks this year and are, also breeding the dwarf goats when Lilly and Honey have they're babies. That means we are getting a dwarf male goat. Me and Saoirse are building a town. Well I a,m building a small one, I took some pictures of it. Little Teensie (Moira's chicken) died. We are also going to be planting our garden in march. I a,m so existed! I just learned how to knit, I a,m knitting a blue scarf. And my family is going out to dinner tomorrow, for valentines day. Me and my sisters going to curl our hair for tomorrow. Here is a link for "no heat curls" We curl our hair this way.And we found another peewee egg.

    This is my "town".

    Lilly's belly.

    Honey's belly.

    Saoirse, is helping with the fan.

    The peewee egg.

    That's it for now!

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Sunglasses video

     Here is a slide show video. And yes more sunglasses.

    Make a video - it's fun, easy and free!

    Hope you all like it!

    Sunday, February 5, 2012


    ...on animals! Yes animals lots of animals with sunglasses on! So funny!

    Fancy, Hermione.

    Stylish Piggy.

    Cute, Dusty.

    Cool, Aubrey.

    Duke, the "dad".

    The book worm.

    The queen chicken.

    Dude, Duke.

    Hope you like it!


    Saturday, February 4, 2012

    Its my "birthday"!

    No its not really my birthday, its a game me and the boy play. They come to me with big bags full of their toys.

    My "presents".

    Yay! I love trucks.

    Jonah and my stuffed border collie


    Friday, February 3, 2012

    Chocolate, Chocolate, and more Chocolate

    We made Chocolate! And you know what that means... messiness! Chocolate and walnuts, it was good.

    Saoirse, so messy!

    This is peanut butter and chocolate covered with chopped walnuts on top.

    Chocolate covered walnuts. Yum!

    The walnut bag

    The chocolate (its made with only coco powder and honey keep mixing until dark brown).

    Messy, messy, messy!

    "Hey, mom at least it isn't dirt this time!"

    Yum!! Doesn't it look so good?

    Jed, had to take a bath after this picture.

    . I think i froze it for to long. It was as hard as a rock.

    Thanks for looking at my blog! (comets are welcome!)


    Thursday, February 2, 2012


    Jade, errr I mean Vader is a boy! We took "her" to the vets and they told us that "she" was a he! And Moira is going to get her braces in, in march!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    That's it for now,

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    Free stuff

    Hey everybody there's a free give-away at:

    This place

    Hope you all love it!

    - Flannery