Sunday, May 5, 2013


Oh my chicken!  Okay so my sister and I were out in our back yard playing with our goats. I noticed that one of our hens were missing.We herd "peep, peep, peep" from under the house. When we removed a vent thingy we looked in and saw the missing hen with 6 chicks!!!!

MariGold (one of our awesome hens) hatched 6 chicks on her own! She's so amazing! Their names are Surprise (mine), Six, Angry bird, MariGold's Miracle, Spring, but the last one died :'( Surprise is sooooooooooooooo cute and active!!!

MariGold is such a good mama. She's really protective ;) Whenever another chicken comes near she attacks them and chases them away xD ha ha. Though one is not looking so good. All the others are eating, but Angry Bird.

Here's a video of Surprise playing.

We went to the nature park yesterday with some friends and took a lot of pictures:

Pretty flower =^.^=
The pound there is very pretty!
Look what we found!!

They had a bamboo forest with a fountain
That's all for now! I'll update later ;)

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