Monday, September 10, 2012

Long Time no write!

 Hey all!

  Long time no write! I'm so sorry I haven't done a post in FOREVER!!!! But you know as the usual, just REALLY busy with LOTS of stuff. And yesterday was my dad's birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Daddy!!! He's turning 41! My Grandma came over and brought us to a restaurant.

  So change of subject to my little chicken. My little chicken, Crystle (used to be Athina), has a broken leg :-( My poor little thing has to limp on one leg the whole day and she gets picked on by the mean roosters :-( So can u all pray for her to get better? Thanks a lot!!! 

  Vader is still "in training". He knows sit still and I'm training him stay now. He's doing a good job in his "training". Taylor is now trying to start to "train" Monster, too. a ROOSTER! I was really surprised that "she" was a HE. ha, ha! This is how I found out:   
      Me and Robin were walking up and down our dirt road and talking. Then I started to get hungry so we started to head back. And then I saw my little Lacy in the middle of our drive way and then... she crowed! I was really surprised.     So now I just call him Black. And his crow is SOOOO cute! And I got a video of Rooster Cogburn and Black (in the background) crowing.

IT'S FALL NOW!!!!!!!! I LOVE FALL!!!!!!

  Some of the pictures are blurry, but I thought that the pictures were cute (not blurred).

  Here are some pictures and a video:  

 Vader licking his chops.

 Vader cleaning himself.



 Stars again.

 Vader walking.

A group of chickens in the front yard. 

 I liked this picture a lot, but unfortunately its blurry :P

Well I'll try to write more often! That's it for now!


Linking to:  

      Fresh From The Farm and White Wolf Summit Farm Girl


  1. Oh, sending prayers for the poor bird's broken leg, maybe it will heal quickly! What a pretty cat too!

  2. I am sending prayers for Crystle too. I hope she heals quick and doesn't get bossed around and pushed from feed. Your lil rooster is awful cute.

  3. Stars is SOOO gorgeous! -Delena

    Yeah! And sense I'm also gorgeous, we're like sisters! -Kiya

    Jane, I think that Black is really gorgeous! I used to have a rooster named Grape that looked a lot like Black. And his name was Grape because when he was a baby he was purple when he was in light..... -Delena


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