Thursday, April 26, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Hey everybody! We have been VERY busy lately and that is why my posts are like four sentences long.

We have head lice, that's one of the wost things. And I have it the worst. But my mom is putting an oil in our hair. It's VERY itchy. I now know how it feels to people out there with head lice. I will ask my mom the recipe to it and post it on this post. Please pray that we will get all better. Thanks!

Midnight and Pipi are pregnant with the wrong male, Duke. Duke's a Nubian and Nubian's are big. Bigger then Honey and Lilly. And even though Pipi is an Alpine/Nubian mix she is very small for her age. And Midnight is a Nigerian Dwarf, known as the second smallest breed and right now she is not full grown. They or their kids might die. And I and my family don't want that to happen. So please all pray that all will go great. Thanks!

I and my three other sisters are going Horse Back Ridding!!!!!!! I can not wait!!!!! I and Saoirse are going to a friend of ours (which for right now I will call "Horse Lady") and I am going to jump. Now Moira and Bella are going to a really nice Horse Back Ridding place, Bella is going to jump (the reason why she is not jumping at "Horse Lady's" place is because she wants to jump and "Horse Lady" only have two horses to ride, twenty eight year old and he is WAY to old to jump and "Horse Lady" does not want to hurt him while jumping and the other one is a pony and he is to small for her. So that is why she is going to go to another place) And Moira is going to start out western and the jump. And I am going to ride my favorite horse!!!

Everyone should check out my Dream Horse HERE. She's only $25,000!!!! And I would never be able to buy her, but it's ok to dream. She's SOOOOO beautiful!!! I love her. Even though I have never met her in real life. Oh, and I have another horse that looks SOOOOOO pretty, too. She is a black Quarter Horse. HERE is the link to her page.

Chicks! We are letting the chicks outside more, of coarse we are putting them in a big pen. As soon as they got in the pen they all started to take dirt baths. I don't blame them, they were living in hay then wood chips, so they could not take dirt baths. They love it. I have no pictures yet, but that's because our cameras broke and I am the only one who has my own camera (and Bella has her own, too). I will have pictures soon. 

And we were going to go to the zoo, but we have head lice, and my mom was like "No way!" and some friends were going to come with us, but they do NOT want to get head lice so we are not going to go to the zoo. 

Thanks for visiting!!!!

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  1. Great post! That was the longest post I have ever seen! Wow! Beautiful horses. I completely know how you're feeling seeing those horses right there.


    1. Ha, ha! It's not THAT long. You should see my mom's! Ha, ha! Three time longer then this one, and I'm not kidding. Thanks!

      GOD Bless!

  2. Hi Flannery,
    Sorry to hear about your troubles. I am praying for a speedy recovery. Rosie and Lacy are adorable. I hope your little does do well with their pregnancies. I look forward to your next post and some fun pictures of your animals. Have a great day.


    1. Thanks! And thanks also for praying! You, too, have a great day/night.
      Thanks for visiting and commenting!

      GOD Bless!

  3. Hi Flannery-
    I just came over here from the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop--
    Sorry to hear the trip to the zoo was canceled and I'm sorry to hear about the lice problem. Hopefully your mom will get it under control soon. That has happened in our family before-- when my kids were still at home.
    I don't wish that for ANYBODY!
    I don't know much about horses... we had some when I was a little girl, but that was a LONG time ago...ha ha !
    I have chickens now, on our place- I just got them in October of last year, and they are such fun! I have my little grand-kids during the daytime and they love the chickens.
    It's so nice to meet you!

    Ms. Pat

  4. Nice post! You are quite a young lady! Tell your mom this: I used to be a hairdresser and I have had head lice several times from my 'clients'. The one sure thing to get rid of lice quickly is to use - haircolor. Any kind will do. It coats them and suffocates them and strips their eggs off your hair shaft. Do it outside if it's a nice day in case there are jumpers.

    I'll be praying for this to go away quickly for you! I know it's not fun.


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