Wednesday, July 24, 2013

R.I.P Kala

All I can say right now is that Kala is gone ;o;

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A healthy cat diet

I noticed Vader's fur was getting nasty and he is "coughing". Plus he hates and rarely eats his cat food :P So I wipped up him some, what I call, chicken smoothie and egg kefir mix. He LOVES both of them! I also give some to Max and the kittens. Here's the resipe to both CS and EK:

Egg Kefir Mix:
  • half cup of kefir
  • one forth cup of chicken
  • a sprinkle of Chia Seeds
  • a sprinkle of (cooked) Sunflower seeds, chop them up as small as you can
  • one egg
Put in the egg and kefir first. Stir/wip until the egg and kefir have blended together. Then ad the chicken. Stir, then ad  the seeds (Chia and Sunflower). Then stir well and pour it in your cat's food bowl and  wa-la!

_simple and easy recipes for cats_

Chicken Smoothie:
  • about 1 and a half to 2 cups of chicken
  •  about 3/4 cup of Kefir 
ad Kefir and Chicken to blender. Blend till smooth :3
 Simple as that! It's really easy to make and  your cat will love it! It's healthy and will help with your cat's bones and fur =^.^=

The kittens just finished their Chicken Smoothie =^.^=
 Bye bye! Meow!

Linking to:
Camera Critters

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Y is for...

Linking up with Jenny Matlock for the letter "Y".

Y is for Yellow fluffy balls! By that I mean Yellow fluffy chicks :P

Arn't they so cute!? :D

Bye for now!! ^^

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Oh my chicken!  Okay so my sister and I were out in our back yard playing with our goats. I noticed that one of our hens were missing.We herd "peep, peep, peep" from under the house. When we removed a vent thingy we looked in and saw the missing hen with 6 chicks!!!!

MariGold (one of our awesome hens) hatched 6 chicks on her own! She's so amazing! Their names are Surprise (mine), Six, Angry bird, MariGold's Miracle, Spring, but the last one died :'( Surprise is sooooooooooooooo cute and active!!!

MariGold is such a good mama. She's really protective ;) Whenever another chicken comes near she attacks them and chases them away xD ha ha. Though one is not looking so good. All the others are eating, but Angry Bird.

Here's a video of Surprise playing.

We went to the nature park yesterday with some friends and took a lot of pictures:

Pretty flower =^.^=
The pound there is very pretty!
Look what we found!!

They had a bamboo forest with a fountain
That's all for now! I'll update later ;)

Linking to:


Friday, April 12, 2013

Renewing out goat herd

So we are getting rid of/selling Red Beard, Twilight, Midnight and Pipi. And keeping Duke, Lilly, Honey, Hope and Rosie. The ones we are selling/getting rid of are not producing enough. They're eating a lot and producing little.



Thursday, April 4, 2013


Wowie! I have not writen in a long time! Here are some updates:

  • Baby goats arrived! All nine of them! They're all soooooo cute!!!! 
  • Mommy's camera is finally fixed! ^^
  • We got our fruit/nut trees!!! 
  • We're stating to plant our garden ;)
  • Monster ran away :'( 
  • Milking season is here! :D
  • more to come soon! 
Our trees (mommy took the photo)

Monster before he ran away

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Update on baby goats

Here are some pictures and info of the baby goats:

Name: Jack Sparrow AKA Jack
Gender: Male
Dad: Red Beard
Mom: Lilly
Breed: Alpine/Nubian/Nigerian

Name: Zenyetta AKA Zenny
Gender: female
Mom: Lilly
Dad: Duke
Breed:  Alpine/Nubin

Name: Hope
Gender: female
Mom: Lilly
Dad: Duke
Breed: Alpine/Nubian
Name: Grace
Gender: female
Mom: Honey
Dad: Red Beard
Breed: Alpine/Nubian/Nigerian

Name: Zeus
Gender: male
Mom: Honey
Dad: Red Beard
Breed: Alpine/Nubian/Nigerian
Name: Rosie
Gender: female
Mom: Honey
Dad: Duke
Breed: Alpine/Nubian

 Name: Sable
Gender: female
Mom: Pipi
Dad: Duke
Breed: Alpine/Nubian/Nubian

Name: Liberty
Gender: female
Mom: Midnight
Dad: Duke
And the Newest Member of the goaty family: 

Name: Haru (har-oo)
Gender: male
Mom: Twilight
Dad: Red Beard
Breed: purebred Nigerian Dwarf

Linking to:
Farm Fun Friday 
Farmgirl Friday

Friday, February 22, 2013


THANK THE LORD!!!!! Honey had her triplets BUT two came out at the same time! OMG!!! THANK GOODNESS they are all okay!! I will post later with video and pictures!


photo shoot with baby goats

I got some new photos of the baby goats

Zenyetta is my favorite :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

UPDATE: Baby Goats

Here are some new and better pictures of the triplets:

First born - Hope

Both 2nd and 3rd born together

Last born - Jack :) Only boy and has a different dad

He's a little piggy like his father

First born - Hope is really week :(

He's so big! Way bigger then his Sisters

Zenyetta - 2nd born - she's my favorite :D
Bye for now!! :)

linking to: Farm Fun Friday #18


LILLY HAD HER BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE HAD TRIPLETS!!!! :):):):):):) It's AMAZING!!! She had 2 females that are both Duke's babies and one male that is Redbeard's baby! Three babies and one mom and two dads!!! :)

Their names are Jack Sparrow (Red Beard's baby, male), Hope (brown/black brown female Duke's baby) and Zenyetta (ALL brown female Duke's baby).

Sorry I will have more better pictures later just we were really busy trying to get the babies to latch on :P

That's all for now so bye! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

N is for Nanny goat

Linking up with Jenny Matlock for the letter "N":

"N" is for NANNY goat ;)

This is Honey. She has had 3 sets of babies, one baby first time ever, three second time, and twins latest time. She is currently pregnant with two or three.