Monday, March 26, 2012

Rosie's and Lacey's first adventure outback

Today, Rosie, and Lacey, where let out free to have their first adventure outside of the box. So here is what they did:

So first they found the nests, and they explored it a little until...

...They found eggs! Than they...

...Met the goats, and than...

...Met the older chickens.

And they had fun on the "mountain".

"Do you want to play?" said, Lacey. "Play what?" says, Rosie. Lacey, reply's saying "Well we could play..."

..."TAAAGGG!!!". "You can't get me!" said, Rosie.

They caught a few bugs for a snack. Than...

...They went back to their home or the box.

All of these photos where hard to get except for the last one. Ha, ha, they (Rosie and Lacey) kept wanting to run away. Rosie kept running to me! At first I was like "ahhhhhhh!" but, then I was like "awwwwwwww!"

That is it for now! Check back soon!

Linked to: Camera Critters Meme

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