Saturday, March 31, 2012


I am linking to a friend!!!!!! Link-up to her, too!!!!! I think she would love it if you did! Click H-E-R-E!! Click the light  purple one to go to the link-up, click the green one to go to her sister's blog, click the blue one to visit her oldest sister's blog, and click the dark purple one to go to the best blog!!! 

Here is a brooder and she is laying on a lot of eggs at once. Here is how many eggs she is laying on:

See? She is laying on so much eggs! You can't see all of them, though. And one of those is her eggs. Oh, and when I brought them inside I counted them and I counted 51 or so! Ha, ha!


Linking to:
Random with Delena

Friday, March 30, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rosie's and Lacy's first adventure (out front)

Here is the second part to "Rosie's and Lacy's first adventure outback". But, this time it is their first adventure out front. So here it is:

First they:
Had a truck ride, to the "playground".

And then they arrived at the "playground". Well actually it is just a big hole we dug in our dirt pile, but we call it the "chick playground". And then...

...They pecked at my feet! And then they left the "playground".

They also played on the "bridge" at the "playground".

And then they had lunch in the grass, but after awhile they went to...

...The mulch pile to find some worms! yum for them but yuck for us.

And then it was time to go home and sleep, so they had one last truck ride to go home.

Please comment and tell me what you think of my chicks!


Linking to:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photo soots with the chicks!

 I love it how I got, Lacey's wings!

Friends ♥

My cutie running to me.

Rosie, running to me, again. Ha, ha! I love this one.

Ha, ha, ha, ha! Can you see, Mud? She is in the left bottom corner of the picture. I tried to get a picture of the other chicks in the background, but when I looked at it I thought that the picture was blurry but, it was not it was, Mud I focused on!

Rosie, again. I think this one is my favorite, one of, Rosie.

Lacey, in the nest. She fell asleep after I took this picture.

Ha, ha! I love it when they do this.

They had A LOT of fun on this tire, until they jumped off and I had to catch them.

So cute! I like this one, too. I like the pose that Rosie is in.

My sweets, yet again : ) And this time they are on the log.

Shhhhhhh, she is sleeping. Ha! They are so cute!

My sweeties, again : )

Ha, ha, ha!! I love this one, she looks like she is giving me a glaring look. Ha, ha! Oh, and you have to look at this one sideways.

"I give you kiss now". Ha, ha! This ones so funny!

All of the Americonas, together. From left to right:
Fluffy (Jed's), Aiedail(Morning Star, Isabella's), Marigold (Moira's), Mud (Jonah's), Becky (Saoirse's), and my sweetie, Rosie (mine).

All of the Wyandottes, together. From left to right:
Lacey (mine), Ariya (Bella's), Gracie (Moira's), Honey Bear (Saoirse's).

The, Wyandottes, feet.

Rosie, in the grass. She's falling asleep. So cute!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chicken Chu-esday

Here is one of the bests, Chicken Chu-esday! I would love if everyone whop reads this post would link-up to her. The weeks topic is Tree.

 This is an old tree root.

 This tree is covered in vines. I liked the way it looked.

 The really old tree near our creek.

This is another picture of the really old tree down by our creek.

I'll be writing the next post about, Rosie's and Lacey's first adventure out front, soon! Check back soon for my next post!


Linked to the best! Chicken Chu-esday click there!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Country Saturday

So here is mine, we lost the card reader at first and then we lost the cord to is when we found the card reader. Ha, ha! So again here is my Country Saturday:

1. An Animal
Ha, ha! I love this one! She looks like she's mad. Ha, ha!

2. Tree
This is our REALLY old tree near our creek.

3. Part of a house
Here is a ground view for this picture.

4. Shoes
I chose boots of coarse! That is the main shoe in this house.

Please comment and tell me what you think! Thank-You for everybody who does!!


Rosie's and Lacey's first adventure outback

Today, Rosie, and Lacey, where let out free to have their first adventure outside of the box. So here is what they did:

So first they found the nests, and they explored it a little until...

...They found eggs! Than they...

...Met the goats, and than...

...Met the older chickens.

And they had fun on the "mountain".

"Do you want to play?" said, Lacey. "Play what?" says, Rosie. Lacey, reply's saying "Well we could play..."

..."TAAAGGG!!!". "You can't get me!" said, Rosie.

They caught a few bugs for a snack. Than...

...They went back to their home or the box.

All of these photos where hard to get except for the last one. Ha, ha, they (Rosie and Lacey) kept wanting to run away. Rosie kept running to me! At first I was like "ahhhhhhh!" but, then I was like "awwwwwwww!"

That is it for now! Check back soon!

Linked to: Camera Critters Meme

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Country Saturday #6

Here it is folks'! At least its early this time. Actually its one day early. And this time it is going to be like SHS. But there is only 4 subjects. So continued down below. Sorry I did not do mine but the card reader cord is lost.

So the subjects are:

1. An animal
2. Tree
3. Part of a house
4. Shoes

The next weeks topics are:

1. Food
2. Leaf or flower
3. Fence or gate
4.A craft or something like paint or pencils.
So here it is:


Linking to: Fresh From The Farm

There is a awesome...

...GIVEAWAY!! Please enter!! Its a giveaway for a book, "Raising Chickens For Dummies". Click HERE to check it out!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Honey, might be going in to labor soon!

Honey, might be going in to labor! If she is going to go in to labor then at least this time its going to be a good timing to come! I hope its a girl. If anyone has any boy or girl name suggestions then please tell us! And I hope the baby(s) will be healthy and not that big but strong. Well have to go  now I will have an update on her if she goes in labor soon, oh, and I will have pictures, too.


Linking to the one of the bests: Forever FarmGirl Friday

Monday, March 19, 2012

An Awesome Giveaway!!

Hey everybody there is an awesome giveaway HERE! Please check it out! Its awesome! Its held by: 

A Glimpse Of Our Life. <---- You can also chick there, too.


Meet Rosie And Lacey

WE GOT THE CHICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! I named mine Rosie and Lacey. Lacey is a Silver Laced Wyandotte and Rosie is a Americana. I took photos of them. They are SOOOOO cute! Sorry I can't stop saying that.

She's a sweet lil' gal' and I love her. She loves me. She will peep until I pick her up. She is afraid of the older chickens, the cat, and she is really afraid of the dogs when they bark. She loves the goats. She likes Pipi the best. She falls asleep really easily. She loves to sleep on your lap. And the only chicken that really likes her is, Scratch. She (Scratch) is the only one who will sit/lay on them.

She is ADORABLE!! She is so sweet! She is REALLY loud when she peeps and she is SO cute!!! I might squeeze her to death when I go out to see her tomorrow. Ha, ha! Joking! She loves it when I pick her up. She is best friends with, Lacey. They love each another. And we know how to tell witch gender they are so we know they are all females. She also falls asleep easily just like her best friend.

If you want to know about the other chicks check my sisters blogs!! Comment and tell me what you think about them!

A Country Saturday #5

Oh, finally I got the blog hop here! It took a while because I was SO busy doing school and chicken cages and other stuff Oh, and we are incubating four or five eggs! And...we are getting chicks today!!!!!!! I can not wait!!!!!!! We are getting Annamaria chicks! We are getting their "home" ready. Of where they are going to stay for now until they are old enough to go live outside. And then we are ordering ducklings!!! I can't wait for that, too! Well here is the blog hop: