Wednesday, May 30, 2012

B is for...

...Beautiful Pipi!

Linking to:

Edit Me - Week 22

Hey Everybody! Edit Me Week 22! Here is the original:

 Here is something I did for fun:
Here is what I did:
 Cropped it just a little
Brightened the picture a tiny bit
 Used a little cross process

And here is the one I'm entering:

I did:
Cross Process (Green)
Texture (Papyrus)

Thanks for hosting Branson and Stephanie!

Linking to:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


   Linking to:

Flower College



My chick hatched, but our stupid dumb brooder pecked it so hard it almost died and it got so week then she smashed it's head! So when the next chick hatches we're taking it away and taking care of it ourselfs.


Monday, May 28, 2012

A Country Saturday #13!!!!

Hey everybody!!!! Sorry i haven't been doing my link ups for like ever!!! Just we' know been busy. We got rid of the head lice, but guess what we have now? FLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO itchy. I now know what it's like for those poor animals that have fleas. 

I made this goat thing for the baby goats to play on. My dad went to the dump to get wood pallets - as we are trying to build a compost bucket - and he had a lot left over so this is what I did with them:

 Cookie likes it the most.

 The whole thing. I know. Looks (very) odd - or weird.

Wood pallet ramp.


 Here is the link up! Please follow the rules!

Please no swearing
Please try to grab my link up button
Leave a link in the post please

What to link up:
Around the house
and Country!!!



Linking to:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chick, Chick, Chick!!!!!!

ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the poor. poor, POOR, thing got abandoned. That mean old Lil' Miss Bawk Head pecked it and won't take it in!!! Even though she was the one that hatched it!!! We don't know the gender yet so we can't name it. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I like to call it Backie. Back - E . Yeah, Backie because it keeps falling back cause it just got out of the egg 30 minutes ago.

Here is the story of it:

Me and Robin are going out. Robin is milking and I'm playing with the baby goats. Robin gets done milking and goes to check on our other brooder, Lil' Miss Bawk Head. She hears chick peeping. Robin screams "ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". I come running at top speed into the chicken barn. Lilly starts coming outside. I scream "ANOTHER CHICK HATCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Lilly stands there for a few seconds. "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!" She starts running to the gate and climbs over it, and runs as fast as her little legs can go. Lilly bursts in the room "AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!". Me and Robin are petting and holding it. She pets it and we gave it back to the brooder. Brooder pecks the chick!!!! I put my hand in front of her head just before she trys to peck it again, while Robin got the chick away from her. I took the chick out of Robin's hands. I start to walk out the door. "maybe Scratch will take it in" I ran over to Scratch and her chick. Omelet likes the other chick. Scratch walks up and pecks it! I pick up the chick and say "Or maybe not". Lilly runs inside and tells my mom and my mom said we'll just have to take care of it ourselfs. 

And now...

 Backie under some shade.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Flowers for Leontin

Here are some flowers for a special person:

It's not much, but it's all I have.

GOD Bless!

 Linking to:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A is for A Very Cute Chick and Athina

Alphabet Thursday! Letter A! And I got 2 things actually. Athina (A-th-een-a) and A cute chick.

 This is my White LegHorn, Athina.

A Very Cute Chick

Hope everybody likes them!

Linking to:

Cute pets...

Here are some cute virtual pets:

This is Cutie Pie the rabbit.

This is Little Spots the fish.

This is Othelow the German Shepherd.

This is Dixie the Great Pyrenees.

This is Mia the Husky.

And this is Calico the cat.

That's it for now!

HERE is the link!



Hey everybody! Being a horse crazy girl I LOVE to draw horses. Here is one I sketched:
 I call this one "New Born".

 And here is another one sketched from a book:

 It's called "Horse Herd".

 -Jane Bridget

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Country Saturday #12 (late)

Hey everybody! I know late again. Two days late. 

PLEASE LINK-UP!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!

  • Please no bad language.
  • Please try to grab my "A Country Saturday" button
  • Please leave a link in your post to my link up post
  • And please try to link up the listed things below

Things to link up:
Animals/wild animals
Farm Animals
Around the house
And of coarse Country stuff!!!

Thanks to whoever links up!!!!

Linking to: 


Here is the pullet that just hatched two days ago.

Isn't she so cute?

She is really owned by our friend, but she lives on our farm.

She looks kinda like a omelet, doesn't she?

She's so small that she can hide in her momma's feathers. Ha, ha!

"You can't see me!".


 Rooster Cogburn's a dadda!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!!!

Hey everybody! Man, I haven't done SHS for a long time. Well here it is!

1. Rainbow
I did a rainbow colored truck that got left outside by my little brothers.

2. Fluffy
Omelet of coarse!!! Omelet is the one that just hatched.

3. Letter(s)
The only thing here to do with letters is pens, pencils, paper, and envelopes. So I chose envelope.

4. Metal
Plenty of that!

5. Tree(s)
One of the most things we have around here!

Please comment and tell me what you think!


Linking to:
SHS with Mrs. Ashley Sisk