Monday, April 30, 2012


...HAD HER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! We were waiting for her to have it. Oh, and guess what? IT'S A GIRL!!!!! Yet another girl! We named her Autumn. She's so alike to her daddy (Duke) and mommy (Lilly). She's also SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! Even though Siddera is cuter. I love 'em to death (Siddera and Autumn)! No, not really. But Autumn is SO sweet. And adorable!!!! And nice!!!! Oh, and playful!!!! So here are some photos of her:

 There's the little or I mean big Autumn leaf shape on her head.

 SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

 There's her spot. And...

...Here's daddy's spot. Identical! (Well a little)

And her mama' had her all by herself, good job Lilly! (meaning we weren't there when she gave birth)

Thanks for whoever comments! Or visits! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Videos of our chicks!

Hey everybody! I have a few videos for everyone to see! Here they are:

Hope everyone likes them!

Linking to: Phase Ph-riday and Homestead Revival


...HAD HER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it survived!!!!! I am SOOOOO HAPPY and EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH all who prayed!!!!! The baby looks very healthy and it now is standing. He is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I love him so much!!! Great job Pipi! And good job for being a great mother!!!!  I have photos of him and I will hopefully have a video. Oh, and we named him Guiness, my dad thought it would be a good name for him so we just said ok.

 This is Duke. Duke is the dad.

 This is Guiness. Guiness is the kid.

 This is Pipi. Pipi is the mom.

 This is him nursing.

Here is a video! I hope it works!

Hope to have another video soon!

Linking to:
Fresh From The Farm, with Farm Chick 
And, Friday's Photo Blog Hop, with Your Gardening Friend


...Just went into labor!!!!!! 2 beautiful baby faces! And their girls!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! Honey had 2 girls, ones ALL black (has NO spots ANY WERE) and her name is Siddera (Latin for Stars) and the other one looks just like her daddy (Duke) and her name is CowGirl. They are ADORABLE!!!!!!! I have a lot of pics and I have 3 vids. SO everyone will get to see them get born!

Oh, and one might be stuck in her (Honey). She won't push it out and it might be dead. Or it is dead. I pray that everything will go well, here are some pics of the ones out and a vid:

Here she is having contractions.

And there they are!

There's CowGirl nursing.

And there is Siddera nursing. So cute! I think she's my favorite.

So adorable! Isn't she?

Siddera licking Bella's bloody hand.

I know a little bloody, but look at little Siddera. Isn't she adorable?

I hope to post another vid of them bigger and playing!

Linking to: Forever Farmgirl Friday with, Tayet


HONEY IS IN LABOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL HAVE PICS SOON!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Hey everybody! We have been VERY busy lately and that is why my posts are like four sentences long.

We have head lice, that's one of the wost things. And I have it the worst. But my mom is putting an oil in our hair. It's VERY itchy. I now know how it feels to people out there with head lice. I will ask my mom the recipe to it and post it on this post. Please pray that we will get all better. Thanks!

Midnight and Pipi are pregnant with the wrong male, Duke. Duke's a Nubian and Nubian's are big. Bigger then Honey and Lilly. And even though Pipi is an Alpine/Nubian mix she is very small for her age. And Midnight is a Nigerian Dwarf, known as the second smallest breed and right now she is not full grown. They or their kids might die. And I and my family don't want that to happen. So please all pray that all will go great. Thanks!

I and my three other sisters are going Horse Back Ridding!!!!!!! I can not wait!!!!! I and Saoirse are going to a friend of ours (which for right now I will call "Horse Lady") and I am going to jump. Now Moira and Bella are going to a really nice Horse Back Ridding place, Bella is going to jump (the reason why she is not jumping at "Horse Lady's" place is because she wants to jump and "Horse Lady" only have two horses to ride, twenty eight year old and he is WAY to old to jump and "Horse Lady" does not want to hurt him while jumping and the other one is a pony and he is to small for her. So that is why she is going to go to another place) And Moira is going to start out western and the jump. And I am going to ride my favorite horse!!!

Everyone should check out my Dream Horse HERE. She's only $25,000!!!! And I would never be able to buy her, but it's ok to dream. She's SOOOOO beautiful!!! I love her. Even though I have never met her in real life. Oh, and I have another horse that looks SOOOOOO pretty, too. She is a black Quarter Horse. HERE is the link to her page.

Chicks! We are letting the chicks outside more, of coarse we are putting them in a big pen. As soon as they got in the pen they all started to take dirt baths. I don't blame them, they were living in hay then wood chips, so they could not take dirt baths. They love it. I have no pictures yet, but that's because our cameras broke and I am the only one who has my own camera (and Bella has her own, too). I will have pictures soon. 

And we were going to go to the zoo, but we have head lice, and my mom was like "No way!" and some friends were going to come with us, but they do NOT want to get head lice so we are not going to go to the zoo. 

Thanks for visiting!!!!

 Linking up to:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Funny photos of Red Beard

I caught Red Beard doing this:

There he is getting ready to but a feed bucket. He wants the feed in side.



"I finally got in!". Duke got in first. The little pig :P

Thanks all for who read/visit my blog!!!!

Wordless Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stars ♥

Hi! I'm Stars! I am a 1 year old Americana hen and I love my master Jane. She adores me, too, and she loves to give me treats. Today she said she is going to give me a banana piece and an apple piece. Yum! I can't wait! Here is a photo of me:

 Arnt I cute?

 Here are some of my hen friends. And you can see me! Right in the right of the picture.

 And here is my best hen friend. Her name is Hermione (Her-my-o-neigh). And she is also a Americana.

 And here is my "husband", Rooster Cogburn

And I am going to be a mom!!!!! My little chicks (eggs) are in the incubator right now. I can't wait till they hatch!! And Rooster Cogburn is going to be a dad!!! He said he can't wait ether. Ok, I have to go now. Hopefully I can write another post soon!


Linking to:

Monday, April 23, 2012


I am doing posts of all three of my favorite goats and this one is about Pipi!!!! She is a little cutie!! And a little sweetie!!! I think everyone will adore her.

 Such a cutie! Isn't she?

 She is 1 year old. She turned 1 in April.

She loves to look up at you when you come out. I caught a picture of her doing it.

 She is the only one who will look at the camera. I think she just wants to chew on it.

 Her half face.

 I think this is the only picture of most of her body. So you can see most of her spots and everything.

 And yes this is not Pipi, but I wanted to show her mom (Lilly on the left) and her aunt (Honey on the right)

Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures of the cute little Pipi!

A Country Saturday # 9!!!

Ok, so sorry that I have not posted my link up for a few weeks, just SO busy. We are the busy bees! Ha, ha! No not really. So I will be doing another type of link up sense the other one I used to use is now not working so I will be using another type this time and for now on.

So please link up!!!!
Here are the rules just in case:
It has to be about or something to do with Country or Farming.
Please don't link up any other things then the list below

Please only link up these things:

So please link up!!!

Thanks for whoever links up!!!!!

Linking to:
Forever Farm Girl Friday

Sunday, April 22, 2012

First picture done at Picmonkey!

I found a site called: and it's a cool site, I mean it's a lot like Picnik, but Picnik is now closed so we have to do them all at . So I did my first photo at Picmonkey and I wanted to share it. I did Rooster Cogburn for the first picture so here it  is!

♥ Rooster Cogburn ♥

Hope everybody likes it!

Linking to: "Chicken Ch-uesday" with Kiya

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chinken Ch-uesday

Hey everybody! I am linking up to a friend (e-mail pal) of mine. Please link up, too!!!! This is a chicken only link up, but that's fine with me. I think I have to many pictures of chickens/chicks. So here are the pictures!

 Rooster Cogburn! 


 Rooster Cogburn's feet. Look at those huge spurs!

 My little sweet hen


 This is Miss Bawk Head. She is the fattest hen we have.

 Miss Bawk Head is like three or four years old. She is one of the oldest hens.

 Miss Bawk Head. She wants to peck the thing (camera) in my hands.

 Stars again. One of my favorite chickens. Americana.

 Here is Feathers. She is a White LegHorn. She is probably (other then Piggy and Hedwig) the smartest White LegHorn.

 Food time!

I love this one. This is one of three that I caught of them flying.

Hope everybody enjoys!

Linking to: Chicken Ch-uesday