Friday, December 30, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More about my monsters

Just wanted to take some more pictures of my monsters and what they do all day.

Buttons and Stretchy like reading books.

After reading a book they go out to play. Buttons likes to play with her dog, Rosie.

 Stretchy likes to ride his horse. Stretchy loves his horse, Hershey.

"Well I guess we could have a snack" Says Stretchy.
"I think so, too" Says Buttons.

"An apple would be nice, too!" Says Stretchy.
"Oh, wait  we forgot the peanut butter!" Says Buttons.
"Ah, that's better!" Says Buttons.

Now its time to go to bed. Good night Buttons!. Good night Stretchy!.
Well that's all for now!

About Our Animals

Hey there! I a,m going to tell about our goats, cats, and dogs.

Twilight (Twi-Die):
 Likes: People, Food, Her sister (Middy), Playing on the trampoline, Moira, and Duke.
Dislikes: Her horns getting pulled, Leash's, Lilly, Honey, Getting kicked, Fade, and Pipi.

 Midnight (Middy):
 Likes: People, Her sister (Twi Die), Food, Playing on the trampoline and Me.
 Dislikes: Getting pulled by the horns, Getting separated from Twi Die, Leash's, Pipi, Lilly, Honey,
Fade and Duke.

 Red Beard (Buddy):
 Likes: food, people, the girl goats, and hay.
 Dislikes: cats, chickens, dogs, Duke, and collars.

 Honey Bun (Honey):
Likes: Food, Lilly, Duke, People, Trampoline and the chickens.
Dislikes: Twi Die, Middy, Pipi, Leash's,

Princess Pipi Long Stockings (Pipi):

Likes: Lilly, Food, Fade, people and Duke.
Dislikes: Leash's, Middy and Twi Die.

Likes: Food, chickens (not for eating), goats, people, going out, the dog park, Shiloh and
howling at fire trucks.
Dislikes: Muzzles, Fade, Leash's and Getting kicked.

Likes: Eating chickens, food, and People.
Dislikes: Fade and muzzles.

Prince Fade (Fade):
Likes: Food, People, Chasing chickens, Milk, taking naps, Playing, and Teasing the dogs.
Dislikes:  Dogs, Leash's and Goats.

Darth Vader (Vader):
Likes: People, Fade, Food, Milk, getting held, being clean and taking naps.
Dislikes: Goats, Dogs, Chickens, Leashes, taking his medicine and going to the vets.

Lilly Pad (Lilly):

Likes: Food, Honey, People, Pipi, Trampoline and the chickens.
Dislikes: Duke, Middy, Twi Die and the dogs.

Duke (Boog):

Likes: Lilly, Honey, Pipi, Food, Fade and people.
Dislikes: Leash's and getting kicked.


Saturday, December 10, 2011


I wanted to share this site: Please try! You can make very funny clips.


Christmas pictures

You all know that its Christmas time so... we took Christmas pictures. They're not that much of Christmas pictures. I made a movie at my other blog. Here is the link:
Moira, before all the makeup.

Saoirse, before all the makeup.

Me, before all the makeup.

Isabella, doing Saoirse's nails.

Isabella and Saoirse again.

Isabella, before all the makeup.

This is some of the makeup we used.

And some more.

Nail stuff.

This is the jewelry we used.

Jed's before picture.

Jed wanted to have a picture with his stuffed animals.

Jed again.


after Bella put on the makeup.

Jonah. He didn't want his picture taken.

A cup.

Not long till Aubrey fond the cup.

Our pea plants.

Bella, after all the makeup.

Bella, again.

And again.

Saoirse, after all the makeup.


Saoirse, yet again.

Me, after all the makeup.

Me, again.

Moira, after all the makeup.

Moira, again.

Moira. The last picture.

Jedidiah's, after picture.

Jonah's, after picture.

Bella's half face.
Aubrey, and well we didn't do any makeup to him.

So cute!
